
Generating Stripe Invoice PDFs

Generate Stripe PDF Invoices

⚠️ You must connect your Stripe account to use this feature. For help, see the Connecting Stripe article.

Can I edit a Stripe Invoice?

If a Stripe invoice has already been paid, there’s no way to edit it in Stripe. Instead, you can use the PriceWell Invoice Generator to generate a new invoice with the correct details. This is useful when a customer asks you to add their address to an invoice, even if they’ve already paid.

Generating an Invoice PDF

  • Go to the Invoice Generator page.
  • Enter the Stripe invoice ID (See “How to find Stripe Invoice Id” below).
  • Make sure the correct Stripe mode is selected (Test or Live).
  • Add the customer’s address details.
  • Click “Generate Invoice”
  • Click “Download PDF” to download the invoice.

You can re-generate the invoice as many times as you like

animation showing how to generate a Stripe invoice pdf with PriceWell

How to find Stripe Invoice Id

Finding a Stripe invoice ID is not always easy. Here are the foolproof steps to find it:

  • Go to the Stripe Invoice Dashboard.
  • Click the relevant invoice.
  • Copy the invoice id from the top-right corner of the page.

Location of the invoice id in Stripe

How to find the Stripe Invoice ID from a Payment

  • Go to the Stripe Payments Dashboard
  • Click the relevant payment.
  • Scroll down to “Connections”
  • Copy the invoice id from the “Invoice” field.